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Frequently Asked Questions

12 June 2023

How many teams and awards will be funded?

We envision a maximum of 12 proposals selected for funding in Phase 1; all selections will be merit-based.

How much is the funding per team?

Maximum funding amount per team for each phase of the program is outlined in the section Format of Wellcome Leap’s Quantum for Bio Supported Challenge Program.

Is the Program open to applicants from outside the United States and UK?

Yes, it is open to applicants around the world.

Is the Program open to applicants who are not a part of the Wellcome Leap Health Breakthrough Network?

Yes, it is open to all applicants. Should your proposal be selected for funding, as the first step of putting in place a contract, the PI’s organization will need to sign the Master Academic Research Funding Agreement (MARFA) or Commercial Research Funding Agreement (CORFA). Please see the Master Research Funding Agreement page for more information and learn how to become a member.

What is the working model or program structure of Wellcome Leap programs?

Performers are from universities and research institutions: small, medium and large companies (including venture-backed); and government or non-profit research organizations. Our programs are actively led and orchestrated by a Program Director who adjusts, iterates, and directs teams throughout the different phases of the program.

Is there a specific format for Wellcome Leap program applications?

Please see the full proposal template and guidelines for format guidance.

Is it possible to have multiple applicants on a submission?

Yes. Multiple collaborators can be on a single submission, but only the Principal Investigator (PI) will be able to submit the application on the portal.

What are the eligible costs?

Full direct and government-certified indirect costs appropriate to the execution of the research, are eligible.

Can you have multiple submissions?


Am I able to edit my submission once submitted?


When will I receive feedback on my submission?

Please see the program page for the program timeline.

May I still submit a full proposal if I receive a recommendation to not submit on my abstract feedback?
