NEW $50M Program in Women’s Health


Cutting Alzheimer’s Risk through Endocrinology

Worldwide, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease every 3.2 seconds. Nearly two-thirds of all patients are women.

CARE aims to cut the lifetime risk of Alzheimer’s among women by half, reducing risk for 330 million women globally – and, given current conversion rates, preventing 54.5 million Alzheimer’s cases by 2050.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia worldwide, affecting over 55 million individuals. As the population ages, the number of affected individuals is expected to increase by 2050, reaching an estimated 130 million patients globally1.

We have known since the 1990’s that, after advanced age, being a woman is the second strongest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease2, 3. Women outnumber men ~2:1 in the Alzheimer’s population, with postmenopausal women constituting over 60% of all those affected1. The estimated lifetime risk for Alzheimer’s for a 45-year-old woman is 1 in 5, twice as high as the 1 in 10 risk for a man of the same age1. While the risks for both sexes are slightly higher at age 65, the ratio remains stable – 21% for women and 11% for men.

These statistics raise questions about the specific factors that contribute to this disparity and how best to mitigate the higher lifetime risk in women.

For many years, Alzheimer’s disease was considered an inevitable consequence of aging or genetics—or a combination of both. However, this perspective has shifted as research has uncovered the significant role of modifiable factors in Alzheimer’s risk. Today, we understand that while age and genetics cannot be modified, other factors can be intervened upon—such as lifestyle, health behaviors, and socioeconomic conditions—that account for a cumulative 45% of Alzheimer’s risk4, 5.

This means that 55% of Alzheimer’s risk remains unexplained. Current estimates are sex-aggregated, meaning they do not account for differences in risk profiles between men and women. Female-specific risks remain unquantified in available population-attributable risk (PAR) models. These gaps highlight the need for a deeper comprehension of Alzheimer’s mechanisms linked to sex-specific biology; robust, sex-specific risk biomarkers; and tailored interventions to support cognitive function and prevent neurodegeneration in women.

Emerging evidence of blood-based biomarkers of Alzheimer’s along with advancements in neuroimaging and machine learning techniques, coupled with more detailed mechanistic understanding of estrogen action in the brain, means that we can identify at-risk individuals with unprecedented accuracy, develop tailored prevention strategies, and intervene earlier to significantly reduce the burden of the disease – at scale.

We have the tools. Now is the time. CARE is focused on women, beginning in midlife, when the potential for preventing Alzheimer’s is greatest. Deep phenotypic identification of female-specific risks, coupled with rapid stratification and patient-specific matching to the most promising treatment options, has the potential to cut Alzheimer’s risk in the female population in half. In the United States alone, this would result in $4.56 trillion USD in savings. The global implications would be multiples of this number. Therefore, the program will also emphasize advances that increase access and reduce cost.

What needs to change? New considerations of neuroendocrine effects.

A prevalent but reductive explanation for the higher representation of Alzheimer’s in women has been that Alzheimer’s is a disease of old age, and women live longer than men. In actuality, the difference in life expectancy between women and men is small — 4.5 years in the US and 5 years globally. More importantly, there is now consensus that Alzheimer’s is not a disease of old age, but a disease of midlife, with symptoms that start in old age6.

Alzheimer’s begins with a lengthy “silent” (preclinical) phase, during which brain pathology develops in the absence of overt symptoms6. Notably, the early phase of Alzheimer’s coincides with the neuroendocrine aging transition of menopause for women, pointing to a critical window of vulnerability and highlighting the impact of female-specific neuroendocrine (hormonal) risks.

Increasing evidence implicates a longer reproductive span and longer lifetime exposure to sex-steroid hormones — chiefly estrogen — as female-specific protective factors against Alzheimer’s and dementia7, 8. An earlier age at menopause has been consistently associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s and all-cause dementia9-12. Women experiencing surgical menopause following oophorectomy (surgical removal of the ovaries) or medically-induced menopause following endocrine therapy for reproductive cancers represent an important target population for prevention strategies. There is also observational evidence that women undergoing spontaneous menopause exhibit increased biomarker indicators of Alzheimer’s risk compared to premenopausal women and age-controlled men13-20.

These findings suggest that the higher lifetime risk for Alzheimer’s in women may result from the loss of neuroprotective effects of endogenous sex steroid hormones. In this scenario, the postmenopausal Alzheimer’s risk increase presents a window of opportunity for extension of neuroprotection through hormonal interventions.

While preclinical research has demonstrated estrogen’s neuroprotective potential, the clinical application of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) for reducing Alzheimer’s risk remains a subject of active debate. The lack of detailed, state-of-the-art data surrounding the use of estrogen therapy for Alzheimer’s prevention may be limiting our ability to make clear clinical decisions regarding effective therapies that are female-specific, time-sensitive, and formulation / dose appropriate to reduce Alzheimer’s risk. Key will be quantitative stratification using genetic, medical, neuroendocrine and biomarker assessments to determine who may benefit most from hormonal interventions, so as to develop targeted preventive protocols.

We need better answers. If successful, CARE could offer a path to prevention in midlife for millions of women, when the potential for preservation of cognitive function is greatest.

Program goal.

Our ultimate goal is to cut women’s lifetime risk of Alzheimer’s in half. CARE is focused on the intersection of neuroendocrine risks and neurodegeneration so as to identify personalized preventative strategies and treatments. This approach utilizes an individualized medicine framework — leveraging biomarkers, advanced imaging, genetic profiling— to tailor interventions to the specific needs of women at risk for Alzheimer’s due to neuroendocrine aging.

How do we get there?

To achieve a 50% risk reduction by 2050, we must ensure high biomarker accuracy for effective screening, expand outreach, and maximize treatment efficacy and optimize frequency. The CARE program includes three primary thrust areas designed to achieve this overall goal, designed to stratify at-risk individuals into progressively specialized diagnostic pathways. This tiered approach optimizes resources and widespread application, while ensuring comprehensive risk assessments and cost-effective prevention strategies. Detailed descriptions of these thrust areas appears in the full program announcement, available for download below.

Thrust Area 1. Identify high-precision female-specific neuroendocrine targets and therapies for Alzheimer’s risk reduction.

Biomarker screening accuracy and outreach (percentage of the at-risk population reached) must combine to identify at least 330 million women globally who are both at risk and reachable for treatment. This thrust area focuses on development of high-performance neuroendocrine predictors of Alzheimer’s risk in women, identification of the ‘window of opportunity’ for neuroendocrine intervention, and demonstration of Alzheimer’s risk reduction with a specific focus on hormone therapy, while ensuring that treatment does not increase the risk of reproductive cancers like breast cancer.

Thrust Area 2. Develop high-affinity in vivo brain imaging probes for neuroendocrine function in clinical populations and their potential therapeutic application.

Thrust 2 focuses on developing high-affinity neuroendocrine imaging tests. These imaging tools are key to enabling precise quantification of hormonal receptor density and/or function in the brain. We are also interested in the potential for these probes to have therapeutic application. As such, this thrust includes a focus on neuroendocrine imaging probes with high specificity and affinity to assess in vivo brain hormone receptor activity in clinical populations and proof-of-concept demonstration of the dual application of these probes as theranostics – namely neuroendocrine imaging probes that also have therapeutic application.

Thrust Area 3. Development of predictive models that halve Alzheimer’s risk in women and their deployment as risk assessment tools for clinical use.

Tools should be designed to provide accurate and scalable methods to identify and monitor at-risk individuals, enabling early intervention and more precise targeting of preventative treatments to reduce Alzheimer’s risk globally, to include: demonstration of a >50% reduction in population-attributable risk (PAR) in female Alzheimer’s cases by modeling neuroendocrine risks and therapies, and the integration of program findings across thrusts into a practical tool for assessing Alzheimer’s risk in women.

Program Director.

Lisa Mosconi, PhD, is a neuroscientist specializing in the early detection and risk reduction of Alzheimer’s disease, with a strong focus on women’s brain health. She is the founder and director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program and the Women’s Brain Initiative at Weill Cornell Medicine/ NY-Presbyterian, where she serves as an associate professor of Neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology. She earned her PhD in Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine / Molecular Imaging from the University of Florence, Italy, with a research fellowship at New York University School of Medicine.

Call for abstracts and proposals.

We are soliciting abstracts and proposals for work over three (3) years (with a potential additional one-year option) in one or more of the following thrust areas (see Thrust areas in full program announcement). Proposers should clearly relate work in these thrust areas to one or more of the program goals.

It is not necessary to form a large consortium or teams to address all facets of the program. The strength of this approach will manifest through program-level integration of efforts from individuals and small agile teams with deep (and sometimes narrow) expertise. Across all projects, Wellcome Leap will facilitate iterative and collaborative integration of findings to refine models and improve and validate predictive measures and adapt approaches as teams make progress towards shared goals.

To that end, our goals are to:

Process and timeline
Program announcement.


15-Day Abstract review round.
/ Day 1
Submission deadline: 14 March 2025
7-page abstracts submitted (from individual organizations or teams) that address one or more thrust areas of the program.
/ Day 15
Abstract feedback sent: 29 March 2025
All submissions will receive technical and/or programmatic feedback as well as a recommendation to submit or not submit a full proposal.


30-Day Full proposal review round.
/ Day 45
Submission deadline: 28 April 2025
25-page full proposals including technical approach, milestones, costs, and key personnel submitted. Proposals should specifically address abstract feedback.
/ Day 75
Proposal decision sent: 28 May 2025

All submissions will receive a ‘selected for funding’ or ‘not selected for funding’ decision. Those selected will proceed to contract signature as the final gate with work expected to commence within approximately 30 days.

Mechanics of applying

Who is eligible?

Performers from universities and research institutions: small, medium, and large companies (including venture-backed); and government or non-profit research organizations are invited to propose.

Wellcome Leap accepts project proposals from any legal entity, based in any legal jurisdiction, including academic, non-profit, for-profit, and regulatory/professional organizations. Applicants are encouraged to contact Wellcome Leap about joining its Health Breakthrough Network by executing its MARFA (or CORFA for commercial entities) agreement. Full execution of the Wellcome Leap MARFA is not required for application submission but is required for any award.

Wellcome Leap agrees not to use any confidential information disclosed to it in a submitted proposal for any purpose other than the review of a proposal. Wellcome Leap will not use the information contained in a proposal for Leap’s direct or indirect personal or financial benefit and will not make such information available for the direct or indirect personal or financial benefit of any other organization or individual.

Wellcome Leap shall not disclose or permit disclosure of any confidential information with anyone who has not been officially designated by Leap to participate in a review and completed a confidentiality agreement. Wellcome Leap agrees that it shall take all reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure or use of confidential information in order to prevent it from falling into the public domain or the possession of unauthorized persons. Such measures shall include, but not be limited to, the same degree of care that Wellcome Leap utilizes to protect its own confidential information, which shall be no less than reasonable care. Wellcome Leap further agrees to promptly notify in writing of any actual or suspected misuse, misappropriation, or unauthorized disclosure of submitted confidential information which may come to Leap’s attention.

Notwithstanding the above, Wellcome Leap shall have no liability with regard to any information which Leap can prove:

(i) was in the public domain at the time it was disclosed or has entered the public domain through no fault of Leap;

(ii) was known to Leap, without restriction, at the time of disclosure, as demonstrated by files in existence at the time of disclosure;

(iii) is disclosed with the prior written approval of the submitter;

(iv) becomes known to Leap, without restriction, from a source other than Leap without breach of this statement; or

(v) is disclosed pursuant to the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other governmental body; provided, however, that Leap shall provide prompt notice of such court order or requirement to submitter to enable submitter to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent or restrict such disclosure.

Furthermore, please recognize that Wellcome Leap may already by funding, or considering funding, the same or similar technology as covered by a submitted proposal—or have previously received from third parties—information or proposals similar to that which was submitted, that was not subject to confidentiality.

Wellcome Leap’s adherence to the above use of confidential information shall continue for a period of three (3) years from the receipt date of a submitted proposal.

Full proposal application steps.

  1. Download guidelines
  2. Download full proposal template (and cost and schedule template)
  3. Upload your full proposal and submit your application between 21 April 2025 and 28 April 2025, 11:59pm ET.
Mechanics of applying

Who is eligible?

Performers from universities and research institutions: small, medium, and large companies (including venture-backed); and government or non-profit research organizations are invited to propose.

Wellcome Leap accepts project proposals from any legal entity, based in any legal jurisdiction, including academic, non-profit, for-profit, and regulatory/professional organizations. Applicants are encouraged to contact Wellcome Leap about joining its Health Breakthrough Network by executing its MARFA (or CORFA for commercial entities) agreement. Full execution of the Wellcome Leap MARFA is not required for application submission but is required for any award.

Abstract application steps.

  1. Download guidelines
  2. Download abstract template (and cost and schedule template)
  3. We’ll remind you when the application portal opens on 7 March.
  4. Upload your abstract and submit your application before 14 March 11:59pm ET.
  1. Register (or Log in)
  2. Create new application
  3. Upload your abstract and submit your application before 14 March 2025 at 11:59pm ET.

More details will be provided for the proposal round of submissions.

Frequently asked questions.

If you have questions, please review our FAQ section here. – updated 14 March 2025.

Send inquiries to

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  15. Mosconi L, Rahman A, Diaz I, et al. Increased Alzheimer’s risk during the menopause transition: A 3-year longitudinal brain imaging study. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0207885
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