The Health Age, Fueled by 10x changes in three dimensions.

I Increase Understanding

Accelerate fundamental mechanistic understanding of health and disease. WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Increased measurement capacity for how cells work, interact, and network Identification of core pathways with multi-morbidities, break single indication therapeutics Predictive models of control processes and an ability to assess modifications of them 10X increase in druggable targets

II Transform Economics

Change time, money and risk in development of diagnostics, treatments, and preventions. WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE 10X reduction in time and/or cost of clinical trials 10X reduction in treatment by health scan and/or prevention Increase success rate in clinical trials

III Improve Access

Shift speed, scale and equity in delivery globally. WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Reduce the impact of zip code or birthplace economics on health span 10X increase in scale 10X reduction in costs

Just as Sputnik ignited the Space Age, so, too, could the current coronavirus inspire a Health Age.

By Regina E. Dugan

CEO, Wellcome Leap

July 26th, 2020

At Wellcome Leap, we believe that surprise can catalyze change. Just as Sputnik ignited the Space Age, so, too, could the current coronavirus inspire a Health Age. A new age where human health span coincides with human life span and we are healthy to our last breath. Where the power of biology and engineering combine to drive breakthroughs for all.

“Disease anywhere is a threat to health everywhere.”

Eliza Manningham-Buller

Chair of the Board of Governors, Wellcome Trust

The scientific and technical foundation exists. A 2020 McKinsey study estimates that “45% of the global disease burden could be addressed using science that is conceivable today.” New advancement and innovation can reduce the global disease burden, which will generate positive societal and economic outcomes in return.

“After all, few investments meet so many of today’s social needs, substantially improving well-being and reducing inequity, while also delivering an impressive shot in the arm to the global economy.”

McKinsey Global Institute, 2020

A Health Age will require a global, collaborative effort. New organizations, new streams of funding—both public and private—and new commitments to technological advancement and equity of access. It will also require that we embrace bold, risk-tolerant efforts, funded at scale—much like a DARPA, but for global health.

In 2018, the Wellcome Trust founded Wellcome Leap with that mission in mind. Leap’s ambition is to spark breakthrough advancements in health and do our part to build a Health Age. 

Let us begin.

“None of this work is beyond our capacity. At this moment in time, at this hinge in history, there is little question of whether we can build a Health Age. The question, instead, is whether we will.”

Regina E. Dugan

CEO, Wellcome Leap

The Health Age, Fueled by 10x changes in three dimensions.

I Increase Understanding

Accelerate fundamental mechanistic understanding of health and disease. WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Increased measurement capacity for how cells work, interact, and network Identification of core pathways with multi-morbidities, break single indication therapeutics Predictive models of control processes and an ability to assess modifications of them 10X increase in druggable targets

II Transform Economics

Change time, money and risk in development of diagnostics, treatments, and preventions. WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE 10X reduction in time and/or cost of clinical trials 10X reduction in treatment by health scan and/or prevention Increase success rate in clinical trials

III Improve Access

Shift speed, scale and equity in delivery globally. WHAT SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE Reduce the impact of zip code or birthplace economics on health span 10X increase in scale 10X reduction in costs